If you're planning to develop a neighborhood or residential community, you might be wondering whether to include address numbers on the curbside mailboxes. Unlike centralized mail delivery systems -- STD-4C and Cluster Box Units (CBUs) -- curbside mailboxes are typically installed independently of each other. In other words, each home will have its own curbside mailbox. Therefore, address numbers are often used to denote which mailbox belongs to which home. So, are address numbers required for curbside mailboxes?
From the East Coast to the West Coast, you'll find traffic warning signs scattered alongside all major roads. Not to be confused with regulatory or guide signs, they live up to their namesake by "warning" motorists and other road users about a potential hazard. Even if you've seen a warning sign before -- which you probably have -- there are some things you might not know about them.
Are you responsible for developing or managing a commercial shopping center or mixed-use development? If so, you should take a proactive approach towards promoting safe social distancing. With the recent outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), governments and health officials across the world are urging individuals stay at least 6 feet away from each other. While people naturally congregate at commercial shopping centers, there are steps you can take to encourage safe social distancing.
When developing a neighborhood or residential community, you'll need to install mailboxes. Without mailboxes, residents won't be able to receive mail, nor will they will be able to send mail without making a special trip to the local post office. You shouldn't just any mailboxes for your residential community, though. Below are five common mistakes to avoid when choosing mailboxes for a residential community.
When shopping for mailboxes to install a neighborhood or residential community, you'll probably encounter STD-4C mailboxes. Featuring a wall-mounted design, they've become a popular alternative to conventional curbside mailboxes. STD-4C mailboxes feature multiple compartments for tenants' mail. As a result, you can often just install one or a few STD-4C mailboxes as opposed to dozens of curbside mailboxes. In this post, we're going to look back at the history of STD-4C mailboxes.